Application Checklist

Check off items as they are completed. Students will be notified of their acceptance decision as soon as both steps are complete. Registration information will be sent with acceptance or upon receipt of the approval form. Students may seek approval only for one semester at a time. Subsequent semesters will require a new approval form.

1. Submit your official high school transcript

2. ​Submit Approval form/notification of intention to take courses to school district
​This form is due to the school district by March 1 for fall enrollment and by October 1 for spring enrollment. (Some districts will allow an exception to this date—it is up to the school district.) 

The last day to submit an approval form to Carroll for the Spring 2024 semester is December 18th, 2023. 


If you have any additional questions, please contact:
Sarah Singsime, Admission Counselor | ssingsim@uni-foodex.com | 262.650.4947

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