The World Reopens

Author: Linda Spice '89, M.Ed. '19

Published Date: 6/1/2023

Categories: Cross-Cultural Experience F1RST Magazine Students University News

two women in kimonos standing next to each other.

Pioneers Hit the Trails as CCEs Return Post-pandemic

当马蒂娜·希金斯在2019年秋天作为一名新生进入威尼斯游戏大厅时, 她很少考虑大学对所有学生毕业都必须满足的旅行要求. That was until the COVID-19 pandemic, 虚拟教学取代了跨文化体验(CCE)项目最初提供的亲身体验, jeopardizing her potential travel.

Fortunately, 正在减弱的疫情解除了大部分旅行限制,正好赶上希金斯的大四. The CCE came back online in the summer of 2022, with international, 国内和海外留学项目开展疫情后旅行. 2023年1月,卡罗尔开始了第一轮重要的学生旅行, 包括希金斯和其他人与卡罗尔教授斯科特·亨德里克斯和帕特里夏·罗达一起前往希腊的旅行.

“This was my first time. Oh, my God, I was so excited,” said Higgins, a biochemistry major who grew up in Oshkosh, and had never traveled internationally. “The thinking behind that (CCE) is really cool. 让你的学生体验不同的文化是非常宝贵的,这让我产生了共鸣.”

在2011年研究了这个问题之后,卡罗尔致力于校外旅行研究的想法. “雇主们正在寻找那些在不同文化背景下工作的人, but often don’t see it in recent college graduates,” said Josie de Hartog, 文理学院通识教育副院长.

The pandemic, however, 迫使许多学生和教师在2020年的大部分时间里都在管理CCE项目, 2021 and 2022.

德哈托格说:“我为我们的学生感到高兴,他们又可以去了。. “我知道我们不得不暂停,寻找其他方法来完成课程, every semester we had students who were like, ‘But why can’t we go yet?’ and I would feel so bad for them. We didn’t feel like we were in a place to do it before now.”

卡罗尔提供40多个由教师主导的国际和美国国内旅行,以及与20多个组织和合作大学一起出国留学的机会. 教授们通过跨文化课程为学生的旅行做准备.

Scott Hendrix, Ph.D., 他是一位历史教授,曾多次带领CCE前往爱尔兰和, for the first time to Greece this year, 他说,大流行后的第一次旅行虽然令人满意,但当学生们在国外生病时,又增加了一层担忧. Professors carried COVID tests on their CCEs, 学生必须在旅行前接种疫苗(该要求已被取消,除非学生将访问的特定文化或社区有要求)。.

“每当有学生流鼻涕时,我要做的第一件事就是进行COVID测试. 幸运的是,它不是(COVID),但有一点额外的压力,”亨德里克斯说.

While the relaunch of CCE trips has sparked excitement, 对于大量的学生来说,选择国际旅行而不是报名参加当地的体验可能需要一段时间, Hendrix said. 他指出,COVID造成了一种文化转变,越来越多的学生更愿意在离家更近的地方学习.

由于经济原因,一些学生总是选择在离家近的地方完成CCE考试, family, work or health concerns. COVID amplified those numbers, administrators said.

Hendrix said, however, 随着越来越多的学生去旅行,带着故事和冒险回来, 其他人可能会更欣赏CCE所提供的东西.

这已经发生在像玛蒂·斯隆这样的卡罗尔学生身上, a junior majoring in exercise science pre-physical therapy, who traveled to Greece this year. She said she shared her experiences with friends, 而一位考虑参加当地CCE考试的同学却把目光投向了希腊.

“The architecture there was phenomenal,” Sloan said. “My really good friend, she wants to travel to Greece. I showed her my pictures. She was like, ‘That’s cool. I’m going to do it.’”

Mark Blegen, Carroll provost and vice-president of academic affairs, said as Carroll rebuilds the strength of the CCE program, it is with an acknowledgment of the pandemic’s toll, not only on students but on faculty. Fewer faculty members are taking on the extra work of CCEs, 卡罗尔继续扩大CCE的师资队伍, Blegen said.

“这可能会很有压力,所以我们要做一些工作来说,‘嘿,老师们. We support you. We hear you,’” Blegen said. “这可以追溯到我们认为这是我们教育使命的核心. And, what can we do to keep it moving forward?”

疫情意味着教授们不得不设计虚拟体验,帮助学生在不在场的情况下了解其他文化. That continues in at least one CCE program. Dan Becker, associate professor of graphic communication, has traveled with students to Japan six times since 2013, and unfortunately for Becker and his students, the trips to Japan remain on hold. 由于那里的COVID病例增加,它是目前唯一仍然是虚拟的CCE目的地, Becker said.

During the years of virtual instruction, 贝克尔利用亚马逊探索等平台,通过直播让学生乘坐人力车穿越浅草, 在一次对新宿的现场视频访问中,他将学生与一家清酒酒吧的老板联系了起来. 他们还通过老师与日本的小学生进行了交流, Marissa Garretto ’17, a former student of Becker’s at Carroll.

“我试着让他们尽可能靠近那里,”他说. Garretto, 她学的是平面传播和摄影,2016年和贝克尔一起去了日本. 这段经历激发了她回到这个国家,在竞争激烈的美国JET项目担任三年教师的愿望. She returned to America in July 2022. 贝克尔对这个国家的深入了解和为学生提供的经验也影响了他以前的学生泰勒·佩隆(Tyler Pelon). 他说,CCE前往日本的亲身旅行“开启了我学习日语的道路.此后,他三次回到这个国家,希望在那里获得更多的体验.

Chris Franco, 一个房地产经纪人和工商管理专业的学生为了给他的两个女儿树立榜样而努力攻读学位, said Becker’s virtual option worked well for him. 

贝克尔和其他教授也努力以虚拟形式提供CCE体验, they stress that there is nothing like being there. 贝克尔也期待着和他的学生们再次旅行.

贝克尔说:“我的目标绝对是明年带一个团队来。. “When they come back and share what they experienced there, the events, the activities, the learning opportunities, 他们与外面的人建立的私人关系, and they share these elements. That’s what it’s all about.”

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